Wexford GAA Management Committee
Meeting 18/6/2018, Innovate Wexford Park
Information Bulletin
Shamrocks GAA Club
It was noted that the Shamrocks GAA club needs the support of County Management in key areas and it was agreed to write again to the Club to ask the officers, and the wider membership, to meet with Coiste Bainistíochta at the Shamrocks clubhouse on Monday 25 June.
CE Supervisor
Denis Doyle is retiring from his position as Community Employment Scheme supervisor and his excellent contribution in this area, and other aspects of county administration, was noted by the meeting. His post has been advertised consistent with the criteria of the Department of Social Protection, which funds the scheme. Those criteria include a minimum of FETAC level 6 in a business or HR qualification plus 3 years’ relevant experience. Six candidates have been shortlisted and will be interviewed next week.
A meeting was held the previous Thursday with the preferred tenderer, Colm Byrne, for the completion of works at the Halo Tiles Centre of Excellence which will be finished by 24 August. When completed, a café, additional WC facilities, a gym and meeting rooms will be in place. In the next phase, some additional works will be needed to bring the Centre into full compliance with the terms of its Disability Access Certificate. It was also noted that the N11 road will be downgraded in Q2 2019 once the Enniscorthy bypass is completed and that planning steps should be taken now to put the optimal road access solution in place for the Centre.
All Ireland tickets
The issue of access to All Ireland final tickets has been raised at county board level before and it is recognised that demand outstrips supply. When sponsors, district officers, Chairs of committees, county board delegates, current selectors etc are taken into account there is very little discretion left in the awarding of tickets.
Coiste Bainistíochta had previously agreed that the list of people who are entitled to purchase a ticket or tickets for All Ireland Finals should be tightened up. Among the key decisions taken were:
- Entitlement to purchase tickets is to be assigned to current or former offices / roles rather than named individuals
- The right of former board officers (Chair, Secretary, Treasurer) to access tickets is maintained but no other former Coiste Bainistíochta members shall have an entitlement.
- The current situation whereby dual clubs get access to 5 tickets and single code clubs get 3 tickets (including one ticket per county board delegate) will be maintained.
The bulk of the remainder of the Wexford ticket allocation will be assigned to players etc. To protect the integrity of the process, the importance of tickets being used by those to whom they’re assigned will be emphasised.
The Chairman and Secretary will set out a ticketing allocation scheme in more detail consistent with these principles and this will be formally signed off by Coiste Bainistíochta at its next meeting.
Correspondence and matters arising
A representative of the descendant families of the 1915-1918 football teams has written to express their appreciation of the centenary commemorations that took place recently to coincide with the senior football championship match against Laois in Innovate Wexford Park. The special GAA Mass in Enniscorthy cathedral the previous Friday was well attended and appreciated by those there and there was also a big turnout at the Family Day organised in Innovate Wexford Park as part of the World Family Day celebrations. The time and effort put in by Davy Fitzgerald, Lee Chin and Mark Fanning on the day was particularly appreciated. Planning for commemoration of the 1968 senior and minor All Ireland hurling winners is progressing and a civic reception will be organised for the teams, probably in September. Uachtarán CLG has expressed a particular interest in attending this event.
A letter from a potential food partner has been received and will be referred to the commercial manager, Éanna Martin.
Correspondence was received regarding a case of windscreen damage at the Halo Tiles Centre of Excellence and it was agreed that liability should be assessed before any formal response.
The minor football team has raised a question regarding access to additional training gear and it was agreed that they would be met with to explain again the terms within which underage squad is expected to manage.
St. Anne’s have written to advise that Sunday 5 August will be the official opening of the club’s handball alley and associated facilities and the club has organised a full day of activities to mark the event.
Finally, Coiste Bainistíochta noted the great achievement of Kilrush-Askamore on winning the 2018 Roinn 1 national Féile camogie title.