Bulletin following Coiste Contae meeting held on 25 October 2022.
Inter County Teams
Senior Football: The backroom team was announced with Diarmuid O’Hanlon (Coach), Mick Casey (Coach), Joey O’Brien (S&C), Ciaran Deeley (Performance, Science & Coach), Darren Siggins (Logistics Manager), Matt Pearson (Physio) and Arthur Dunne (Nutritionist) joining John Hegarty’s team. There will be additional backroom team members to be announced in due course.
U20 Football: Anto Russell was ratified as U20 Football Manager with his backroom team to be confirmed in the coming days.
Coaching & Games
Funding Structures
An Cathaoirleach stated that he has met with the Ard Stiúrthóir, Tom Ryan, and Director of Games, Shane Flanagan, to outline our significant concerns to the new proposed funding model. It was outlined that the model for allocating funds does not factor dual players and dual affiliated clubs into the allocation model. The vast majority of affiliations within Wexford are affiliations to a single club with approximately 98% dual players across the county. Delegates unanimously agreed that Wexford GAA should take the necessary actions to ensure an equity of funding.
GPO Model
There is a HR review of coaching and games staff across the country underway at Croke Park level. With the change in the funding structures, Wexford GAA will have more flexibility around the allocation of GPOs to clubs within the county. A review of the GPO model will take place to ensure fairness and equity in the allocation of GPOs across clubs in the County.
Review of Gaelic Football in Wexford
It was noted that only 26 of our 49 clubs completed the football review survey. Philip Wallace is currently reviewing this data and it is planned that Philip will report his findings at the next County Committee meeting.
“Respect the Ref” Workshops
An Cathaoirleach commended the response of all clubs to the recent “Respect the Ref” workshops. All clubs held workshops within the requested timeframe with 1,124 attendees. There were 53 different actions, that clubs committed to take in respect of the conduct of their players, mentors, parents and supporters towards match officials.
Across the various stakeholder groups, the main actions that clubs proposed to undertake were:
- Brief all stakeholders on the Code of Conduct and Code of Behaviour through meetings, handouts and social media.
- Promote the message of respect to players at all training sessions and games and to promote the same message on every match notification via messages or social media to mentors, parents and supporters.
- Formal club disciplinary procedures based upon the Code of Behaviour and An Treoir Oifigiúil to be set out and embedded in the culture of the club.
- Annual workshops in the club with a referee to speak with players, mentors and others regarding the rules of the game and an open Q&A.
- Improve and increase signage in clubs for with the “Give Respect, Get Respect” message
Wexford GAA has commenced a research project with Dr. Daniel Regan, a senior research fellow in UCD. The goal of the Safety, Order & Respect of Referees Trial (SORRTit) is to completely reduce the highest categories of physical and verbal abuse. This requires a culture, ethos and process reset. Dr. Regan’s work focuses on optimising measurement of people’s behaviours and combining this with behavioural interventions to generate change.
Wexford GAA have also requested Central Council to hold a Special Congress to increase the minimum term of suspension for assault on match officials (currently 48 weeks) and to remove the maximum term of suspension of 96 weeks.
There will be a follow up meeting with all referees on Tuesday, 15 November 2022.
Age Grades Review
The GAA’s Age Grades Task Force has come back with recommendations in respect of age grades at both intercounty and club level.
Within our own county – a debate which involves the vast majority of players – club priorities should be:
- Player retention and whether age grades can play a positive role in maximising the number of players who transition to adult
- Provision of regular and meaningful games
- Impact on Adult games programme
It was agreed that Wexford GAA will bring a motion to convention to go with U18/U16/U14/U12, in 2023 and decouple from adult championship at U18 (i.e. U18s would not be allowed to participate in adult championship).
Infrastructure Update
Chadwicks Wexford Park
Work on the groundworks for the floodlights is due to commence on 27 October 2022 with the floodlights expected to be erected in early December. The first game under floodlights in Chadwicks Wexford Park will be a Walsh Cup game on 21 January 2023 and will include a host of significant events to mark the occasion.
Halo Tiles Wexford GAA Centre of Excellence
Work has commenced in respect of the new pitches in Halo Tiles COE. This work will continue across the winter subject to rainfall and ground conditions.
Club Championship Review Structure
All clubs are reminded that the deadline for proposals in respect of club championships structure and format must be submitted to [email protected] by Friday, 28 October 2022. Proposals will be reviewed and the Executive will engage with clubs to merge proposals that are similar. They will be then distributed to clubs for discussion with final decision to be made at the County Committee meeting on Tuesday, 22 November 2022.
Volunteers Wanted
Volunteer stewards, gatepeople, grounds assistants (for pitch repair at half time and after games) and development squad coaches are currently sought. Anyone interested in these roles should apply by email to [email protected]. Benefits to volunteers include entry to all games in Chadwicks Wexford Park (as part of the role) and a Club Season Pass for all club games in Wexford.
Upcoming Dates
28 October 2022 | Deadline for submission of proposals for Club Championships |
14 November 2022 | Deadline for submission of nominations and motions for County Convention |
22 November 2022 | County Committee Meeting |
12 December 2022 | County Convention |