After the success of 2015, we are looking to continue to improve our camp experience for 2016! We have planned to expand our Easter Camps to the four urban areas; Wexford, New Ross, Enniscorthy and Gorey. Easter camps are planned to run from March 21st – 23rd. Further details will be sent out in due course.
Planning has also started for Kellogg’s Cúl Camps 2016 and we are looking to expand our venues! If your club would like to be added to the list of venues for 2016 please contact me to register your interest to [email protected] . Any new club must register their interest on or before 3pm Tuesday the 19th of January, as participating clubs have to be submitted to Croke Park.
For 2016 clubs facilities will be a basis for the number of children that can attend a camp, this assessment will be based on changing facilities and pitches along with some other criteria. This is to further improve the safety and organisational standards of the camps structure.
Also attached is an application form for any coach wishing to work on this year’s camps. We would appreciate this being circulated through your club. Cul Camp Application Form 2016
Here is to another successful year of camps.
Diarmuid Byrne
Community Development & Participation Officer, Wexford GAA
Email : [email protected]
Phone Number: 087-9348089
Wexford GAA Coaching and Games Development