Lads fight back.
The Lads have been hitting back at the Boys in the build up to the Battle of The Border.
The Lads greatest warrior Christy one Leg Neal (he lost the knee in the Scallion Wars of ’68 when the Fir Dána of Myshall took him from the side while he was decapitating their leader) has been stirring the blood with tales of ‘The soft’ LADY Boys. Christy tell his warriors that the Boys are all flash and show on the dance floor in Ro Ho and swanning around on their beaches and in the sunny South East, enchanting the Good Girls of Scallion Land to join the Strawberry eaters but when it comes to the real battlefield they lay down and die way too easily with no stomach for the hard fight.
The Lads claim that the Boys wouldn’t ever have had work were it not for the Scallion Tycoons Stephen ‘My Mansion is bigger than yours’ Murphy and Ciaran ‘Rally Car-Helicopter’’ Redmond but the Boys retorted telling the Lads that would never have gotton any woman were it not for Bunclodys Meadowlands and its predecessors Caesers Palce and The Clody Ballroom and only then had a choice of what the boys left behind !!
This is the lowest of blows and the Lads are blowing dragon like fire from their mouths and no, it’s not just the smell of the scallions!!! Their cousins The Mount Leinster Rangers have joined the fray, not content with defeating the Boys hurling champions in the recent battle in Cat land have taken the Boys Battle Song Dancing at the Crossorads and made it their own. The whole of Model County is fuming; this is their glory song, remembering the long distant day when they ruled the entire land. Some things are sacred, but not anymore, not in this Battle.
The Battle Lines are Drawn, the chips are down, the stakes are high the training is almost complete, there will be blood, sweat and tears but there can be only one winner.
It’s Sunday, March 16th, Bunclody AFC Pavillion, 7.30pm. Two Clubs enter, one only walks out alive !!!
It’s all about PRIDE, It’s the Battle of the Border