Thanks to the clubs that have already submitted their teams.Following a number of questions from clubs around venues, times, clashes with other sports etc, we have extended the deadline for clubs to enter to next Tuesday, September 26th at 5pm. Fixtures for the U11’s will be published to clubs on Tuesday, October 3rd for the first round on Saturday, October 7th.
The three venues that will be in use for the 8 weeks are;
– Buffers Alley 1.00pm – 5.00pm
– Bannow Ballymiitty 10.00am – 2.00pm
– Rathnure 12.00pm – 4.00pm
Clubs will be assigned to one of these venues based on location.
We have asked that clubs have between 9 and 12 players per team, but we would ask clubs that may not have these numbers but could be a couple short to contact us, as we will help to facilitate participation where possible.
We also ask clubs to mirror our views in seeing this as an opportunity for player development rather than pure competition.
Where we do promote a competitive intensity, we view this initiative as a novel way to focus on specific skills of the game and creating a more rounded player as an outcome.
We hope this answers your concerns.
Wexford Coaching & Games Development