Wexford Supporters Club AGM:
With many members having to cry off due to illness and All Ireland Congress commitments including our Secretary Tom Boland, County Secretary Margaret Doyle, County PRO Rory Murphy and County Chairman Diarmuid Devereux to name but a few a smaller crowd than usual heard outgoing Chairman Arthur Quinn outline his achievements over the past 3 years.
Arthur was lavish in his praise for Sponsor Alan Keyes and Glen Fuels for their contribution to our annual Player of the Year Awards Ball saying that Alan and his IT crew have taken the night to greater heights and transformed the event into an Oscar style extravaganza complete with screens, fanfare and white envelopes – it is indeed a show to behold and fast becoming that place to be at year`s end with approximately 400 people at this year`s event at the Riverside Park Hotel. Arthur thanked everyone on his Committee for all their endeavours on behalf of Wexford GAA and all his sub committees who organised the very successful fundraisers such as Race Days, Greyhound Nights, Gala Balls, Hill Walks, Membership Draws and Golf Classics. He said that he had enjoyed his 3 year tenureship and would be remaining on the Committee and continuing to be active for Wexford GAA whom he felt were on the rise.
Incoming Chairman Des Croke and Jim Byrne both paid tribute to Arthur and to all the work he had done over the past 3 years saying that he was a dedicated Chairman and his heart was always in the right place when it came to supporting Wexford teams and endeavour. Des Croke went on to tell his newly elected Committee that he would be doing his utmost to raise the profile of the Wexford Supporters Club and would be forging stronger links between them and County Management and would also be seeking a greater and more constant presence at County grounds and at all County games `It is in our best interest` he said `to be as visible as we can in the county and to increase membership and support as our County strives forward`.
Members of the Wexford Supporters Club have been in contact with other Supporters Clubs around the country in recent times including Kilkenny, Offaly, Tipperary, Limerick, Waterford and Tyrone, in an effort to both establish links and learn from each other what best to do and how best to do it PRO Maria Nolan told the meeting. `An exercise that has been extremely interesting and informative` she said `it is good, you know every so often, to look outside ourselves and view what others are doing and how they are doing it. We have learned a lot and we hope to be putting some of the knowledge gleaned to good use over the coming months in an effort to give our members more for their membership and to make them feel very much part of the bigger picture that is Wexford GAA.`
Members of the Wexford Supporters Club elected at our Annual General Meeting on Friday evening at Riverside Park Hotel.
Jim Byrne, Rose Breen, Una Bird (Asst Secretary) Denis Nolan, Bill Mernagh, Mary O`Reilly (Asst Treasurer), Maria Nolan PRO, Des Croke Chairman, Arthur Quinn (Outgoing Chairman) Andrew Nolan (Treasurer).
Missing from photo – Pip Breen Vice Chair, Tom Boland Secretary, Margaret Doyle, Diarmuid Devereux, Breda Curran, Michael Power and Tony Breen.