Cul Camp Key Notices 2017
Its that time of year again when we put our planning in place for Kellogg’s Cul Camps. This year we have 50 venues with over 5,500 children expected. We are urging clubs to do the same and use this as a massive recruitment drive for your underage teams. To aid in this we are putting together our #getingearearly campaign with prizes & incentives for clubs who get people to register early. More importantly we have some terms & conditions in relation to bookings for 2017 these can be seen below.
We have found the use of social media & having a local registration evening as the best avenues for getting people to book early. Those who engaged most last year have seen a rise in their activity leading up to camps as well as recruitment of new players after the camps.
#getingearearly campaign
- Book before end of May and kit delivered to club before end of June
- Book between 1st of June and Friday prior to their camp starting and you will get gear on Monday of camp
- Those who book after this point gear will not be guaranteed their kit on the week of your camp (this option is not recommended)
- Club Registration Schedule can be organised from the 1st of May this can be facilitated through your GDA.
- School visits by GDA’s/Club School Link Coaches
Booking Link :
Current Leader-board Cul Camp Booking Competition : 14/4/2017
- Cushinstown 27
- Marshallstown /Cloughbawn – 13
- St James / Ferns / Glynn – Barntown – 12
- Adamstown – 11
- Bannow – Ballymitty 7