Due to the success of our Under 13 hurling and football Model Óg Academies of 2015, Wexford Coaching and Games are running a similar programme again this year. The coordinator of our football academy is Gerry Moran and our hurling academy coordinator is Murt Flynn
In collaboration with Gerry and Murt it has been agreed that two parent information evenings will be run. The first meeting for all south clubs will take place on Monday 29th February at 7.30 pm in The Horse and Hound Hotel, Ballinaboola, and the meeting for all north clubs will take place on Thursday 3rd March at 7.30 pm in The Millrace Hotel, Bunclody. The aim of this meeting is to introduce the coordinators and their coaches to parents and to inform parents of all activities, training and blitz days for both hurling and football in 2016.
Clubs have been informed to nominate players before the 4th of March.
If you have any queries you can contact Peter Hally (Football Development Administrator – Wexford GAA) at [email protected] or Shane O’Hanlon (Hurling Development Administrator – Wexford GAA) at [email protected]
Or if you wish to contact our coordinators Gerry Moran (football) at [email protected] or call him on 087 2874481 and Murt Flynn (hurling) on [email protected] or 087 1728297.
Wexford Coaching and Games Development