Primary Teacher Summer Course that is run in partnership with Wexford Education Center. Book by 2nd of June.
Being largely practical-based, it aims to introduce teachers to Gaelic games – hurling, Gaelic football, camogie, ladies Gaelic football, handball and rounders. The main objective of the courses is the advancement of teachers’ pedagogical, teaching, learning and management skills in the context of the primary school physical education (PE) curriculum.
This GAA Teacher Summer Course is a blended course being using the Association’s new Learning and Development Community Portal. The face-to-face element runs over three days face-to-face and approximately eight hours on online modules to be completed thereafter.
Furthermore participants will develop the ability to delivery elements of the PE curriculum through the medium of Gaelic games. An emphasis on numeracy and literacy programmes highlight the opportunity to integrate PE through a teaching curriculum by using the various resources developed by the GAA.
Venue: St. Joseph’s Community Centre, Bishopswater, Wexford Town.
Time: 9.30am – 2pm
Tutor: Various G.A.A. Coaches.
Booking here (only for Primary School Teachers) :