preparations for the Biggest team sporting event in Europe in 2017 “The John West 2017 Féile na nGael Finals
Got under way tonight in the Doleman Hotel in Carlow, where over 80 host club reps from Wexford, Kilkenny and Carlow got together for a Host Club Information meeting. 35 Wexford Coiste na nÓg clubs were among the 200 in attendance,full information for the hosting club is now on
* The 2017 Féile na nGael Finals will be held in venues in Wexford,Kilken…ny and Carlow 16th/17th/18th June
*40 Wexford Coiste na nÓg clubs and 26 Wexford Camoige clubs will host visiting teams
*Over 8,000 U-14 players will participate
* It will bring over 100,000 visitors to the south East that weekend
* Bring over 10,000,000 to the south east’s economy
*40 Finals will played in the 3 Counties on the Sunday of 18th
*Over 1,000 coaches and mentors will guid teams
*150 referees will be used
*175 buses will be used over the weekend
* All accommodation in the 3 Counties will be booked to capacity over that weekend
There will be 86 host teams playing 86 visiting hurling teams all together playing in 11 divisions of 8 teams and 56 host Camogie teams playing 56 visiting teams in 7 divisions of 8 teams
So get ready its going to be a busy couple of months ahead.
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