Policy on Unauthorised Pitch Access at Matches
For reasons of safety and insurance entry to the pitch area at any time by all unauthorised persons is strictly prohibited. This policy proposed by the National Health & Safety Committee and the National Insurance & Risk Management Committee and approved at Ard Comhairle is aimed particularly at children who enter the pitch area either between games or at the half-time interval during games to play any games including hurling and football.
It is the responsibility of ground management to ensure this policy is enforced and that serious efforts are made to prevent such occurrences.
Organised games and activities which are supervised by competent personnel are permitted.
Efforts should be made in the following areas to ensure compliance of this policy:
- Training and briefing of stewards and event staff.
- Work with all other relevant stakeholders in implementing of policy.
- Communicate to all patrons on match days using public announcements, match programmes and signage where possible.
- Include this policy in your Event Safety Management Plan and Event Management Document.
This policy is effective from January 1st 2014.