Over 80 13 to 15 year olds attended the first Wexford Lenovo GAA Skills Hub week, The hurling took part in Monamolin and the Football in Grantstown. Some of our County stars took over the coaching sessions and passed on their expert skills and experience and advice, Katrina Parrock, Lee Chinn,Eoin Conroy and Andrew Kenny were at hand in Buffers Alley and Shane Roche, Brian Malone and Clara Donnelly in Bannow/Ballymitty. Aswell as training and getting coached by the best in the Game thoses who attended for the week also gained experience in • Advanced skills including team play (principles of defence and attack) • Team Building • Nutrition (Food/(Hydration) • Lifestyle Management (Balance) • Lifestyle Management (Injury Prevention) • Mental Preparation. All who took part looked forward to next years skills hub already
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