Championship 2016
Round 1 of the football championship will begin week ending 10th April. It is not possible yet to determine a date for the 2nd round as it depends on the advancement of the senior footballers and hurlers in their Allianz League campaigns. The earliest possible date for the hurling championship is week ending 23rd April and this also depends on the above.
The regrading of players at beginning of year be replaced by following – the status of a player is decided once they appear in the first or subsequent rounds of either league or knockout stages of championship.
NB: No player can re-grade more than one grade. If a player played on the club’s first team in 2015, they cannot play on the third team in 2016
All County Hurling and Football League Regulations 2016
ACFL Round 1 – Week ending 5th March
ACHL Round 1 – Week ending 12th March
ACFL Round 2 – Week ending 19th March
ACHL Round 2 – Week ending 26th March
All County Leagues to follow the following format:
- 2 groups of 6 to be divided geographically (where possible).
- After the final round the top team in each group contest that divisional final.
- The Final will be between the top team in each of the 2 groups in each division except maybe in bottom division where there mightn’t be 2 groups.
- Bottom one in each group is relegated.
- 2 finalists in each division will be promoted the following year.
- If there was a walkover(s) in earlier rounds, all scores involving the team that gave the walkover will not be considered.
- If two or more teams finish top or bottom of the group, the result of the game or scoring difference will determine who qualifies for the final or who is relegated. Venue for Finals to be arranged by the CCC.
- All league games must be played on the scheduled date or within 7 days. Any changes (within the 7 days) should be notified to the CCC Runaí indicating the new date, venue and confirmation that the Referee is available. The team failing to fulfil the fixture will lose the points for that game. All walkovers result in a fine and following two walkovers, the team is no longer in competition.
- It is important that all changes to All County Leagues be passed on to the CCC Runaí to ensure that the Fixtures/Results system is up to date at all times as this system generates the results for the website. This system also sends the referees notice of games and allows them to submit results.
All County Leagues -1st 15s – All clubs are asked to submit their first 15s and second 15s (if entering 3 teams) on or before Friday 12th February.
The first 15 must have part of those who played with the club’s first team in the 2015 championship and any club who have entered a 3rd team, their second 15 must have been part of those who played with their second team in 2015. The District Committees will examine these lists. Clubs failing to comply with these regulations will lose the points for the game.