The first draw in the 2011 Model County Development GAA Club Draw will take place on Wednesday night next 27th April in Wexford Park at 7pm. As in previous years, many good prizes are on offer in this three monthly draw (Wednesday 27th April, Wednesday 25th May and Wednesday 29th June) including cars, holidays, shopping vouchers, hotel breaks plus many more.
The GAA is indebted to the many people who work behind the scenes to ensure that this annual draw is a success. Both the clubs and county derive welcome income funds from the profits of this, the 19th members draw. Tickets cost €50 or may be paid in three instalments – €20, €20, €10. There is a special draw for paid up members (1st draw only) with €1500 for the first prize and €500 for the second prize. In addition, there will be an extra draw this year for all those who subscribe to the three draws (pay monthly for three months) and the prize fund here is €1,000.
If you haven’t secured a ticket, please call the GAA Office immediately at 053 91 44808