Come and ‘set the heather blazing’ this St Patrick’s weekend when Wexford Park hosts a thrilling double header feast of hurling and football. The hurlers will be playing our opponents from the 1996 All Ireland, Limerick, while the footballers will have the opportunity to exact some revenge from one of their bogie teams, Roscommon.
We plan to make this an exciting event for all the family and we’re urging everyone to come along and make ‘The Park’ a sea of Purple and Gold. We’ll have face painting, a best dressed supporter competition (kids bring your hurls!) Also courtesy of Ferrybank Motors, Bui Bolg will be along to bring their own unique brand of entertainment to Wexford Park with much, much more still to be announced.
This will form the centre piece of a weekend which will culminate on Monday 19th in Wexford’s Selskar Square with the much anticipated unveiling of the life sized statue of Wexford icon, Nickey Rackard. Get along, show your support and be involved in the rejuvenation of Wexford GAA.