The 2012 Coiste na nOg Convention/AGM takes place this Monday night 10th December in the Ferry Carrig Hotel at 7.30pm. The following is the Nominations and Proposed Motions for the 2013 season
Chairperson: Des O Neill/Marguerite Furlong/Bobby Goff (Glynn/Barntown) Kevin Waters (St Martin’s)
Vice Chair: Marguerite Furlong /Stephen O Leary (Monageer)
Secretary: Marion Doyle
Assist Secretary: Angela McCormack
Treasurer: Noel O Keeffe
PRO PJ Howlin
Proposed Motions 2012
Rule Motions
- That all current Mionrialacha Coiste na nÓg Loch
Garman be amended to reflect the correct updated T.O. 2012 References
- That Rule 14 of Mionrialacha Coiste na nÓg Loch
Garman be amended to read as follows
A player wishing to leave
one club to join another must obtain a transfer from Coiste na nOg CCC Loch
Garman. Applications on the approved form must be made before the last day of December. Applications
from players must have the consent of parents/guardians.
- That Rule 5 of the Mionrialacha Coiste na nÓg
Loch Garman be amended to read as follows:-
“Coiste na nOg Loch Garman
shall hold an Annual General Meeting to be held prior to the County Committee’s
Annual Convention. The purpose of the
Annual General Meeting is to elect officers and to enact, amend or rescind
bye-laws as it deems necessary in the overall control and management of its
affairs in accordance with the Treorai Oifigiuil. Bye-laws so enacted and
amended, and sanctioned by the appropriate higher authority, shall determine
the manner of procedure on matters pertaining to such bye-laws.
The nominated officers
elected by Coiste na nÓg at their Annual General Meeting shall be presented as
the nominated representatives of Coiste na nÓg for the purposes of selection of
sub-committee members in accordance with Rule 3.21 of Treorai Oifigiuil.
- That all references to “County Youth
Officer” in Mionrialacha Coiste na
nÓg Loch Garman be updated to reflect the term “Children’s Officer” as now
utilised in Treorai Oifiguil to bring Mionrialacha Loch Garman in line
with Treorai Oifiguil.
- That a new bye law be added to Mionrialacha Coiste na nÓg Loch
Garman Rule 10 that states that “The treasurer of Coiste na nÓg Loch
Garman becomes an assistant treasurer to the treasurer of Wexford County
- That the extract of Rule 7 of the Mionrialacha
Coiste na nÓg Loch Garman that currently states that “The County Board
shall meet each month from March to November” be amended to read as
follows:- “The County Board shall meet as required throughout the year but
no less than 6 times per year”
- That Rule 7 (c) of the Mionrialacha Coiste na nÓg
Loch Garman in relation to County Competition
Controls Committee be amended to
read as follows
It consists of Chairperson,
Fixtures Secretary, and four others approved by Coiste na nOg Loch Garman. The
Committee will have the same responsibility as the former Games Administration
Committee, and in addition will deal with
(a) Referees reports, and
matters arising from the same and
(b) it shall investigate
and process matters relating to the enforcement of the rules and match
(c) The Chairperson and
Fixtures Secretary of the Coiste na nÓg Loch Garman sit as representatives of
Coiste na nÓg on the Wexford Adult Board CCCC
- That Rule 7 (d) of the Mionrialacha Coiste na nÓg
Loch Garman be amended to read as follows:
County Hearings Committee as constituted by Wexford County Board shall adjudicate on all disciplinary matters where a hearing is requested
relating to the Enforcement of rules arising from games under the control and
jurisdiction of Coiste Chontae Loch Garman C.L.G. and on reports arising from the County Competitions Control
Committees. It shall hear appeals lodged by individuals or units against
decisions of County Committees under the jurisdiction of Coiste Competitions
Control Committees. It shall hear
appeals lodged by individuals or units against decisions of County Committees
under the jurisdiction of Coiste Chontae Loch Garman C.L.G.
- That Rule 8 of the Mionrialacha Coiste na nÓg
Loch Garman be amended to read as follows:
and Grading/Re-grading: Chairperson
of Competitions Control Committee, Secretary and four other members to be
appointed with voting rights. This committee shall examine all transfer applications
and decide on all issues relating to grading and re-grading of teams. The
decision of the committee shall be in accordance with the Treorai
- That Rule 10 of the Mionrialacha Coiste na nÓg
Loch Garman be amended to read as follows:
Affiliation and entry fees from clubs shall be
taken at the first County Board meeting of Coiste na nOg Loch Garman. Teams for whom fees are outstanding
on last day of January of the current year will not be excluded from the
The officers of each Coiste na nOg club
(Chairperson and Secretary) shall be the appointees of the adult board and
shall be named at the time of affiliation.
The club representative at Coiste na nOg Loch
Garman shall also be named at the time of affiliation.
Each club shall registered all members (all ages)
onto the new online Registration System (2010).
- That the part of
current Rule 16 e) of the Mionrialacha Coiste na nÓg Loch Garman that
currently states “A Juvenile (Under 16) Competitions Control Committee shall have the right to initiate Disciplinary Action against an Adult Member, but where a Hearing is requested by a Defending Party it shall be heard by the parent Hearings Committee under whose direct jurisdiction the member is subject.” be renumbered as Rule 15 and amended to read as follows:
The juvenile Disciplinary Jurisdiction shall
be in accordance with R7.1 of Treorai
Competitions Control Committee shall have the right to initiate Disciplinary
Action against an Adult Member, but where a Hearing is requested by a Defending
Party it shall be heard by the parent Hearings Committee under whose direct
jurisdiction the member is subject.
- That the remainder of current Rule 16 e) of the
Mionrialacha Coiste na nÓg Loch Garman be removed from Mionrialacha Coiste na nÓg Loch Garman on the basis that rule 7.2 & rule 7.5
of Treorai Oifiguil automatically apply to disciplinary jurisdiction of
Coiste na nÓg Loch Garman.
is reccomended however that the relevant extracts of Rule 7.2 and Rule 7.5, as set
out below, are left in the Coiste na nÓg Annual Fixtures Book for information
purposes as a guide and reminder for clubs.
accordance with rule 7.2 of Treorai Oifigiuil the following shall constitute infractions to which
the disciplinary jurisdiction of the association applies
Any breach of the Rules and Bye-Laws including
Codes, Regulations, Guidelines and Directives made under them.
As provided for in the
relevant Rules and Bye Laws including Codes, Regulations, Guidelines and Directives
made under them.
Misconduct at Games by Players, which
consists of five Categories of
Infractions which occur on or in the vicinity of the Field of Play, and which
occur immediately before, during or after a Game:
Being ordered off on
foot of a second Cautionable Infraction.
Fixed Penalty: Debarment from playing for the
remainder of the Game, to include any extra-time;
Fixed Penalty on Repeat Infraction: 2 weeks
Suspension in the same Code and at the same Level.
(i) Striking or attempting to strike with arm, elbow, hand or knee.
or attempting to strike
with a hurley,
with minimal
(iii) Kicking
or attempting to kick, with minimal force.
(iv) Behaving
in any way which is dangerous to an opponent.
(v) Spitting
an opponent.
(vi) Contributing to a melee
(vii) Abusive
language towards
a Referee, Umpire,
Linesman or Sideline Official.
Minimum: 4 weeks Suspension in the same Code
and at the same Level, inclusive of the next Game in the same Competition of
that Competition Year, even if that Game falls outside the Suspension time
Minimum on Repeat Infraction: 8 weeks
Suspension in the same Code and at the same Level as that at which the
Infractions were committed, inclusive of the next Game in the same Competition
of that Competition Year, even if that Game falls outside the Suspension time
(i) Striking
or attempting to strike
with the head.
(ii) Striking
with hurley, either with force or causing injury.
(iii) Attempting to strike
with hurley, with force.
(iv) Kicking, either with force or causing injury.
(v) Attempting to kick, with force.
(vi) Stamping.
(vii) Inflicting injury recklessly
by means other than
those stated above.
(viii) Any type of assault on an Opposing Team Official.
Minimum: 8 weeks Suspension in the same Code
and at the same Level, inclusive of the next Game in the same Competition of
that Competition Year, even if that Game falls outside the Suspension time
Minimum on Repeat Infraction: 16 weeks
Suspension in the same Code and at the same Level as that at which the
Infractions were committed, inclusive of the next Game in the same Competition
of that Competition Year, even if that Game falls outside the Suspension time
Minor physical interference with (e.g. laying
a hand on, pushing, pulling or jostling),
Threatening language to, a Referee, Umpire,
Linesman or Sideline Official
Threatening or abusive conduct towards a
Referee, Umpire, Linesman or Sideline Official
Minimum: 12 weeks Suspension in all Codes and
at all Levels;
Minimum on Repeat Infraction: 24 weeks
Suspension in all Codes and at all Levels.
Striking or attempting to
strike or any type of assault on a Referee, Umpire, Linesman or Sideline
Minimum: 48 weeks Suspension in all Codes and
at all Levels, with offender’s Team liable to Disqualification, where
Repeat Infraction within 96 weeks: 96 weeks
Suspension in all Codes and at all Levels, with offender’s Team liable to
Disqualification, where appropriate.
of “Repeat Infraction” “Repeat
Infraction” in the Section of Rule above means a second or subsequent
occurrence of any Misconduct at Games by Players Infraction in the same
Category within a 48-week period (or 96 week period in the case of a Category V
Infraction). In relation to Categories I, II and III, only an Infraction
committed in the same Code and at the same Level as the previous occurrence
shall constitute a Repeat Infraction. In relation to Categories IV and V, a
second occurrence shall constitute a Repeat Infraction irrespective of the Code
or Level of the previous occurrence.
(c) Misconduct at Games by Team Officials,
which consists of four Categories of
Infractions by Team Officials which occur on or in the vicinity of the Field of
Play, and which occur immediately before, during or after a Game:
Abusive language towards
a Referee, Umpire, Linesman or Sideline Official.
Minimum: 4 weeks Suspension;
Minimum on Repeat Infraction: 8 weeks
Any type of physical
interference with an Opposing Player or Team Official.
Minimum: 8 weeks Suspension;
Minimum on Repeat Infraction: 16 weeks
Minor physical
interference with (e.g. laying a hand on, pushing, pulling or jostling),
threatening or abusive conduct towards, or threatening language to, a Referee,
Umpire, Linesman or Sideline Official.
Minimum: 12 weeks Suspension;
Minimum on Repeat Infraction: 24 weeks
Any type of assault on a
Referee, Umpire, Linesman or Sideline Official.
(i) Minimum: 48 weeks
Suspension, with offender’s Team liable to Disqualification, where appropriate;
(ii) Minimum on Repeat
Infraction: 96 weeks Suspension, with offender’s Team liable to
Disqualification, where appropriate.
Suspensions in all four
Categories above shall be applicable in all Codes and at all Levels.
of “Repeat Infraction”
“Repeat Infraction” in
the Section of Rule above means a second or subsequent occurrence of any
Misconduct at Games by Team Officials Infraction in the same Category within a
48 week period (or 96 week period in the case of a Category IVa Infraction),
irrespective of the Code or Level of the previous occurrence.
Disruptive Conduct at Games by Players, Team Officials or Supporters, which occur on or in the vicinity of the Field of Play and which
occur immediately before, during or after a Game:
(1) Premature
Termination of a Game- By reason of Serious Disruption by Players, Officials or
Supporters of a Team.
Team – Forfeiture of the
Game and Award to the Opposing Team (unless both Teams are responsible), save
where there are exception amalgamating factors involved.
Other Penalties – at the
discretion of the Councilor the Committee-in-Charge.
(2) Premature
Termination of a Game –
reason of:
A Player(s) refusing to leave the Field when
ordered off, or rejoining the Game having been ordered off.
A Team
or Player(s) leaving the Field without the Referee’s Permission or Refusing to
continue Playing.
Team and other Penalties
– as in (1) above.
Player(s) who caused
Termination – 24 weeks suspension, in addition to any suspension for an
Infraction committed in the Game.
(3) Disruptive Conduct
by Players, Team Officials or Supporters (not causing the Premature Termination
of a Game).
shall be at the discretion of Council or
(4) The Council or
Committee-in-Charge may direct that Units refuse admittance to the Property
owned or controlled by the Association to any person, whether or not a member
of the Association, if that person is considered to be guilty of Disruptive
Conduct at Games.
Misconduct Considered to have Discredited the Association.
Member – A minimum 8
weeks suspension. Debarment and Expulsion from the Association may also be
Team/Unit – Where
suspension is deemed appropriate- a minimum of 8 weeks. A Fine,
Disqualification and Expulsion from the Association may also be considered.
In accordance with rule
7.5 outlined in Treorai Oifigiuil in relation to suspensions rule 7.5 (l)
Juvenile Suspensions – Special Rules shall apply. Rule 7.5 (l) states :
Except as provided in
(m) below, Juvenile Players participating in Under 16 or younger Grade
Competitions shall be subject to penalties for Misconduct at Games Infractions
on the same basis as under the General Rules Above, except that the Minimum
Time Suspension shall be in each case one-half of otherwise applicable.
U12s Motions
Because of the significance and importance of the debate in relation to
Go Games and the organisation of our games from U.8 to U.12 combined with the
volume of submissions in this area it was agreed on 21st November
2012 at Coiste na Og County Board Meeting that Motions 2-11 be deferred. Given the extent of
the change sought by clubs based on debate during 2012 along with the motions
submitted to AGM by the clubs, that on a once off basis for 2013only, that the structuring
and format of the under 12 Go-Games be deferred to a special meeting to be attended
by CNNO County Board delegates and under 12 trainers and managers to be held prior
to 20th of January 2013.
1. That u8’s and U10’s Go-Games should be
run as a Blitz Competition with 4 or 6 teams.
Before each Blitz referee’s,
Managers and everyone involved are briefed on the
Go-games rules and
(Baile Daithi-Cul Mo Choda/
2 That there be an U10 Hurling Competition ran similar to Kent
Stainless Steel
(Feannaire na Dubh Tire/ Duffry Rovers)
3 In 2013 the u12 grade be
played on a two tier basis.
1 – Go-Games Competition similar to system in place in 2012.
Date of eligibility would be 01st January 2001.
2 – Comortas Peil Loch Garman/Comortas Iomaint Loch Garman
Date of eligibility would be 30th December 2000.
This would not be an u12 Competition
and could be run in a similar manner to u14, u16
Clubs would have the choice of
entering either in the tier 1 or tier 2 Championship and some clubs may enter an A Team in one and a B team in
the other. Once all Clubs had signalled
their choice the CCCC could then
generate fixtures for the year. The tier 2 Championship would be 15 a side
but would retain some elements of
the Go-Games model including one hop one
solo in football and no soloing in hurling.
Full participation would be encouraged. This system would allow all clubs to benefit. Those that feel the Go-Games model
is working for them can continue to participate
while the clubs who feel that the need for
competition is warranted are also
being facilitated. Championship can be
tried for 2013 and reviewed at end of year.
(Naomh Eanna)
4 For all age-groups that operate under
the Go Games format (i.e. up to an including under
12), the following should apply:
- Games
to be organised on a North/South Basis with Divisions consisting of a maximum
of 8 teams. - Clubs
should be asked to indicate if they wish to enter 1 or 2 teams and teams with
at least 18 players should be encouraged to enter 2 teams. - Divisions
and fixtures to be structured based on whether a Club has 1 or 2 teams, and
also taking grading into account if possible, and Clubs with 2 teams play on
the same night and in the same venue.
Wexford Competitions and Control Committee to determine which team has
home advantage.
Aodhain-Fearna/ Ferns-St Aidans)
5 For all age-groups that operate under
the Go Games format (i.e. up to an including under
12), and where a Club is unable to host 2 matches at the same time, the Competing Clubs can arrange an alternative
date to play the match which must be within
2 weeks of the original fixture, otherwise the away team must be given the opportunity to host the match.
Aodhain-Fearna/ Ferns-St Aidans)
6 For under-12, there should be finals
rather than blitzes. Clubs with 2 teams
should play the same opposition
in the same venue, which would be determined based on the final league position of the first team. The Wexford Competitions Control Committee should also consider the
possibility of playing finals on a week night, particularly
Friday nights, and if necessary on pitches where flood lights are available.
Aodhain-Fearna/ Ferns-St Aidans)
7 For all
age-groups that operate under the Go Games format (i.e. up to an including under 12), Clubs with 2 teams must play
both matches concurrently with players to be
divided up as evenly as possible. Teams
can comprise 7 to 11 players. In addition, players cannot be switched
between matches unless agreed by both Clubs.
(Naomh Aodhain-Fearna/ Ferns-St
8 For all age-groups that operate under
the Go Games format (i.e. up to an including under
12), a grading form be devised, which would then be completed by all Clubs so as to assist the Competitions Control
Committee in grading teams.
Aodhain-Fearna/ Ferns-St Aidans)
9 For all age-groups that operate under
the Go Games format (i.e. up to an including under
12), in the event of a player getting injured and no substitute is available,
the opposition should take off
a player in the interests of fairness and good sportsmanship.
Aodhain-Fearna/ Ferns-St Aidans)
10 Clubs
in the same district that have 2 teams both be paired is their respective divisions and games played against each
other will be on the same night and in the same
venue, where possible
Rapairi-Na Realtini –Rapparees-Starlights)
11 That
all teams are graded to their ability. There should be a definite deadline for registration and the list of the
players be made available to all the other clubs. (Baile Daithi-Cul Mo Choda/
12 That the U12 Finals (Blitz) ie :
Festival of Hurling/Football be ran on a
Sunday morning.
(Feannaire na Dubh Tire/ Duffry Rovers)
13 That Under 12 Go Games Blitz finals be played first two weeks
in September in both codes, fixture dates to be set when game fixtures go
Ghearoid/Realt na Mara/ Ballygarrett/Realt na Mara)
14 Up to and including U12 Away team where
possible, if not Home team or Young Whistler
to ref. the game.(Relevant rule/regulation to be amended/deleted) (Coill De Hora/Horeswood)
15 Payment of
referee fees for non competitive games ie. Go Games is crippling the clubs who are trying to improve the
standard of games by putting in two teams. We propose the home team provide the referee
so as to reduce the burden on clubs
an Chaisleain-Liam O Maoliosa-Cul Ghreine/Castletown-Liam Mellows)
for Adult Convention and Coiste na nÓg AGM
(Onward for National Congress)
- That the section of Rule 6.16 of the T.O. that
currently reads “Adult: Be over 16 years” be amended to read as follows
“Adult: be over 17 years”
- That in order to introduce new age categories for
our local leagues and championships that Rule 12 of the Mionrialacha
Coiste na nÓg Loch Garman be amended to read as follows:
Players shall be under the
qualifying age in the specified age group competitions on January 1st of the
current year’s championship in accordance with the Age
Grades as set out R6.16 Treorai
To be eligible for the Grades listed
hereunder, a player shall meet the respective age criteria Adult: Be over 16 years.
Under-21: Be Under 21 years and Over
16 years.
Minor (Under 18): Be Under 18 years
and Over 14 years.
Under 17: Be Under 17 Years and Over
13 years.
Under 16: Be Under 16 years and Over
12 years.
Under 15: Be under 15 years and Over
11 years.
Under 14: Be Under 14 years and Over
10 years.
Under 13: Be under 13
years and Over 10 years.
Under 12: Be Under 12
years and Over 9 years.
Under 11: Be Under 11
years and Over 8 years.
To be “Under” an age shall mean that the player shall celebrate
the Upper Limit birthday (e.g. 21st. for
Under 21 Grade) on the 1st. January of the Championship Year or on a later
To be “Over” an age shall mean that the player shall have
celebrated the Lower Limit birthday (e.g. 16th. To participate in Senior/Under
21 Grades) prior to the 1st.January of the Championship Year.
The Wexford Coiste na nÓg Fixtures, including all leagues and
championships under their remit be organised on the basis of Under 11, Under
13, Under 15 and Under 17.
Girls may participate only up to and including the Under 11 Grade.
(CCCC Loch Garman )
2 That
any change to age groupings at Coiste na nOg level be postponed until at least 2014.
Mharascal-Caislean Docraill /Marshalstown-Castledockrell)
3 The grading of all teams under the
auspices of Coiste na nÓg Loch Garman be graded using the following process in order to achieve mathematically
appropriate divisions to maximize the
efficiency of fixtures in the county
while still achieving the national minimum
fixtures guidelines of 9 games in each grade.
- Clubs submit
initial grading questionnaire for the following playing season by 31st of October in the previous
year. - CCCC seek
clarification as required on any elements of the Grading Questionnaire - CCCC to appoint
independent District Review Committee structured as the CCCC see fit and
appropriate consisting of district based representatives to review and make
initial assessment on Grading Questionnaire and make recommendations to CCCC - CCCC score
Grading Questionnaire - CCCC can make
suggestions for amalgamations based on information contained in Grading
Questionnaire - CCCC provide
initial scoring of Grading Questionnaire to Club by 30th of November - Club appeals or
seeks clarification on scoring applied - CCCC finalise
scoring and seed all clubs by 31st of December - CCCC create
mathematically appropriate divisions based on the seeding
That all Mionrialacha Coiste na nÓg Loch Garman,
playing rules and reccomendations affected by this motion are repealed and
ammended as required if this motion is passed.
Note : If this rule is passed that the rule cannot be fully effective for the
2013 playing season. Ie as a transitionary arrangement for 2013 the timelines will change
to 15th of January for step (a) 7th of February for step
(f) and 28th of February for step (h)
(CCCC Loch Garman)
4 That the Premier Grade in all Competitions Hurling and
Football comprise a minimum of
eight teams.
(Ruagairi na
Faiche- Faythe Harriers)
5. That
the Minor fixtures be run as follows:- Option (1) Option (2) Option (3)
(Option 1-3 listed as 1 Motion )
Option 1
Option 1
- A
15-aside league, the league section to finish the week prior to the
Leinster Minor Finals, S/F’s
and Finals if deemed necessary to be fixed when deemed appropriate by the CCC .This league will
take account of the existing playing regulations in relation to the Leaving Certificate
Examinations. Clubs shall fulfil their league fixtures without usage of Co. Minor
Hurlers or Footballers based on a maximum county minor panel of 30 players, if required based on
the training plan and fixtures of the respective
county minor teams.
b. 15 aside championship be run
from after the Leinster Minor Finals until its conclusion.
- A
13 aside league be played throughout the season. Clubs shall fulfil their
league fixtures without usage of Co. Minor Hurlers or Footballers based on a
maximum county minor panel of 30 players, if required based on the training
plan and fixtures of the respective county minor teams.
Option 2
- A
15-aside championship be played up to the last week of March and recommencing
on the last week of June running until conclusion. - A 15-aside competition, based
roughly but not exclusively on a District basis, be
organised from the 1st week of April to the 2nd week of
May . Clubs shall fulfil their
fixtures in this district competition without usage of Co. Minor Hurlers or
Footballers based on a maximum county minor panel of 30 players, if required
based on the training plan and fixtures of the respective county minor teams. - A
13 aside league and district league be played on the same basis as set out
above during the same periods.
- A 15 aside
district competition be organised from the 1st week of April to the
2nd week of May. Clubs shall fulfil their fixtures in this district
competition without usage of Co. Minor Hurlers or Footballers based on a
maximum county minor panel of 30 players, if required based on the training
plan and fixtures of the respective county minor teams. - A 13 aside league
and district league be played on the same basis as set out above during the
same periods.
Option 3
A 15-aside
championship and league be played based on Divisions of 12 teams with
the championship playing up to the last week of March and recommencing on the last week of July
with the league commencing on the first
week of April and finishing prior to the re-commencement of the championship.
- The league and
championship will take account of the existing playing regulations in relation
to the Leaving Certificate Examinations. - Clubs shall fulfil
their fixtures in the league without usage of Co. Minor Hurlers or Footballers
based on a maximum county minor panel of 30 players, if required based on the
training plan and fixtures of the respective county minor teams. - A 13 aside league
be played throughout the season. Clubs shall fulfil their league fixtures
without usage of Co. Minor Hurlers or Footballers based on a maximum county
minor panel of 30 players, if required based on the training plan and fixtures
of the respective county minor teams.
(CCCC Coiste na
nOg Loch Garman) Motion
5 (Option 1-3) to be deferred to the
First County Board Meeting in January 2013 to provide for appropriate debate
6 From U14-Minor we propose that we keep
the games local and revert back to district
North (consisting of Wexford & Enniscorthy) V South
(which consist of Wexford & New
Ross). Two winners go forward out of each group to semi final stages. With the exception of
premier division which stays as it is.
(Baile an
Chaisleain-Liam O Maoliosa-Cul Ghreine/Castletown-Liam Mellows)
7 For Roinn 1, 2 & 3 at Under 14 Hurling &
Each group contain a minimum of
eight teams.
The Top four teams qualify for
County Semi Final while the bottom four then contest a shield Competition comprising of a Semi-Final and Final.
na Faiche- Faythe Harriers)
8 U14 Roinn 4 to be played on a two tier
basis with the second tier comprising only of club
who have entered second teams.
na Faiche- Faythe Harriers) Recommendation
9 For Clubs involved
in both Juvenile and Minor County semi-finals, there must be a minimum of 4 days between
Aodhain-Fearna /Ferns St Aidans)
10. That
for all County Quarter-finals and Semi-finals, the referee must ensure that he/she has at least 2 neutral umpires and for
County Finals the referee must ensure that
he/she has 4 neutral umpires.
Aodhain-Fearna /Ferns St Aidans)
11 Where
there is a toss for home advantage for County Quarter-finals in Under 14, Juvenile or Minor Championships or a
draw for a play-off, the Secretaries of the Clubs
involved should receive notification offering the Club the option of attending the toss or draw.
Aodhain-Fearna /Ferns St Aidans)
12 That a club be
refunded the €40.00 referee cost by the Co. Board, where the opposing visiting team fail to show up
for a match, and subsequently pay the €80.00 fine
to the Co. Board. (Rath an Luir-Naomh Aine /Rathnure)
1. That
all Selectors for underage County Teams and Development Squads, be appointed by Coiste na nOg. (Ruagairi na Faiche- Faythe Harriers)
2. That U16 and Minor Co. Development
Squads train on the same night as many clubs have
player’s playing at both age groups this would give clubs the chance to have
all their panel present for
training on an alternate night.
Also we suggest that the Development Squads
start their training later in the season as
players have a lot going on with exam preparation school
and club training / match’s etc.
Mharascal-Caislean Docraill /Marshalstown-Castledockrell)