The Award 2 Coach Education course is the third award on the coaching pathway of Gaelic games. The course is aimed at coaches that have progressed through the Foundation Award and Award 1 programs and have experience as a Coach.
The course is 33 hours in duration and covers a number of key modules, as well as Introductory and Conclusion modules. These modules are
- Role of the Coach
- Technical Proficiency
- Tactical Prowess
- Team Play
- Physical Fitness
- Participant Feedback/Playing Facts
- Psychological Focus
- Talent Identification
- Nutrition and Hydration
- Communication
- Lifestyle
- Rules
The focus of the course is the “Why to do it” and further development of the coaching skills by placing the participant in situations that they will face as coaches – the organisation of games activities, activities to develop skill and activities to develop the various physical fitness skills.
Entry Requirements:
Applications will be considered from those who:
- Hold both Foundation Award and Award 1 Youth/Adult qualifications.
- Have substantial experience in a coaching and are currently coaching a youth/adult team.
- Must be 18 years or over.
Candidates must be Garda vetted and have complete the GAA Code of Best Practice in Youth Sport - Candidates must be currently actively involved coaching a team.
Course cost: €150 per person payable before the first session
The course is designed to promote the development of the coach self-awareness and reflection through modelling their coaching against best practice.
Coaches will learn more effectively if they are active in the learning process and have an opportunity to apply their knowledge.
Within the Award 2 course, the practical activity delivered by the participants. There are 4 major practical elements – Spot& Fix Advanced Technical skills, Coaching for Decision Making, Principles of Team Play and Physical Fitness. Participants are asked to plan sessions for all 4, and to deliver 2 during course contact time.
Coach Portfolio.
A portfolio of all this information including tutor feedback, lesson plans and course assignment’s must be keep by each coach, this will be submitted on completion of the course. (All coach receive this on the first session.)
A post course coaching assessment is conducted either in person by a Tutor, or a DVD of active coaching is submitted by the participant for review. More details of this assignment will be explained on the last session.
Coaches must attend All sessions if for some reason a session is missed the coaches must catch up when these sessions are delivered again.
Coaches will not be signed off for accreditation until all aspects of the course are complete. This includes Full attendance, on course practical’s and the final assessment.
Code: Hurling
Grade: Youth & Adult
Venue: Rathnure GAA, Wexford
- Saturday 13th Feb, 9:30am to 4:00pm
- Saturday 12th Mar, 9:30am to 4:00pm
- Saturday 16th April, 9:30am to 4:00pm
- Saturday 14th May, 9:30am to 4:00pm
- Saturday 11th June, 9:30am to 4:00pm
- Saturday 16th July, 9:30am to 4:00pm