2016 Kelloggs GAA Cúl Camps website is now open for Bookings at www.kelloggsculcamps.gaa.ie
Fantastic NEW GEAR for 2016 Choose from 40 Camps over 6 Weeks to choose from.
Please note: The Online Booking facility closes at noon on the Friday preceding the week of the camps. Search by your county (Wexford) and view the camps dates, venues, prices and co-ordinator details.
Select to book your child a place, with the option to book extra children. It is also possible to book a second camp for your child, without the gear and bag, at a reduced rate. Payment is possible using credit/debit cards and a confirmation email will be sent to confirm your booking.
The cost for a child attending a second camp , without receiving kit and bag, is €35
To celebrate the return of this summer’s Kellogg’s GAA Cúl Camps, Kellogg’s are giving you the chance to win €5,000 worth of training gear for your team plus a €500 voucher to spend on your family.
To enter, pick up a promotional pack of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies or Kellogg’s new 5 Grain or Nutty Chewy bars in stores and then follow the steps to register your child for a Kellogg’s GAA Cúl Camp. You will need the last 4 digits of the barcode of your Kellogg’s promotional pack and to answer a simple question. We’ve got three prizes to give away.