Underage Transfer 2015 FORM : The 2015 Coiste na nÓg season Transfer deadline will be 1st Febuary, any player wishing to transfer from their old club to another club should fill out the attached transfer form and return to Administratorbng.wexford@gaa.ie
Is Mian Lion (Players name in Irish) ___________________________________________________________
Players Name in English ____________________________________ DOB _____/____/_______
New Permanent Address (Seoladh Nua) __________________________________________________________
State how long you are living at new address __________________________
Old Address (Sean Seoladh) ____________________________________________________________________
Present Club (Ata Claraithe le Club) ______________________________________________________________
Current Grade in Hurling (Iomaint) ________________________ Football (Peil) _________________________
Club to which Transferring (Aistriu go Club) _______________________________________________________
Signature of Club Secretary to which Transferring (Siniu Runai) ________________________________________
We do not object to the proposed transfer _______________________________________________________
Signature of old club secretary if not objecting (Siniu Runai an t-sean Cumann)
We have an objection to the proposed transfer ___________________________________________________
Signature of old club secretary if objecting (Siniu Runai an t-sean Cumann)
Síniú an Imreóra (Players Signature in Irish) __________________________________ Dáta (Date) ____________
Siniu an Imreora (Parent/Guardian Signature in Irish) __________________________ Dáta (Date____________
If the Transfer form is NOT signed by the New and Old Club Secretary of Underage it will be ruled out of order
The granting of a transfer at any level does not make a player legal, in the event of his not having declared certain information which could render him illegal.
If a club feels it should oppose the transfer on the grounds of illegality, the reason should be stated hereunder.
Deadline : 1st February 2015
Siniu an Runai CCC___________________________________________________________ Data ___________
Breithiunas an Choiste (Decision of CCC Loch Garman)____________________________________________
Cathaoirleach CCC_____________________________________________________ Data _________________
Underage Transfer 2015 FORM : The 2015 Coiste na nÓg season Transfer deadline will be 1st Febuary, any player wishing to transfer from their old club to another club should fill out the attached transfer form and return to Administratorbng.wexford@gaa.ie